The human experience is vast, with infinite varieties of fears and desires, hopes and despairs, love and loss passing through the hearts and minds of this planet during every moment. These experiences must be expressed, but cannot be fully relayed by the tools of conversation. So many in this world are lonely or feel misunderstood. Art and literature seek to grasp these human experiences and expose them for what they are — universal. Novelists … Read More about Musings about Poetry and Art
Anika & Edward
Brighter Than The Flames
The Tannhäuser
Joseph’s Portal
The Sweeter Realm
The Swan Knights
Life After Eternity
The Iconic Dr. Johnson
Say It Like Miss Austen
About the Author
Stefan Scheuermann was born in Louisiana. As a teenager, he moved to Colorado with his family. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in History and his Master of Arts degree in Literature. He has taught English Research Composition at a local state university and has enjoyed a long career of performing and teaching ballet. Mr. Scheuermann blends his passions for history and literature in this historical fiction/fantasy. He continues to teach and … Read More about About the Author
A delightful, witty, challenging book from the preface to the glossary. This is not a book to read in one sitting but one to be referred to over and over. A must for anyone who appreciates a well-turned phrase.